LINCOLN, Neb. – Race fans in eastern Nebraska can get a pre-Duel In The Desert look at Cade Richards’ ride and do their neighbors a good turn at the same time.
The young Lincoln speedster will have his Karl Kustoms Northern SportMod, with a new Lincoln Food Bank wrap, on display at four locations before the car goes west for the Nov. 9-14 Duel at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Theme for the best appearing car contest at the 23rd annual Duel is charity. Donations to the Lincoln Food Bank will be accepted at each location where Richards’ car is on display.
“This is a great way for us to give back to our community,” the Lincoln East sophomore said. “We’re looking forward to racing in Las Vegas and this is one way to benefit the food bank before we do it.”

The car will be unveiled today (Thursday) at Ramo’s Pizza. It’s on display at Speedway Motors Friday morning, at CollegeView Auto Sales Friday afternoon and at Leach Camper Saturday afternoon.
National rookie of the year in the division last season, Richards was track champion at Dawson County Raceway this year.
“We had a good year in a new car. There was a learning curve at first but we really got it figured out there at the end. I’m very grateful that my car is being taken out to Las Vegas and am very excited to get to race out there,” he said. “This year went really well. We didn’t get to race as much as I wish we could have but I hope to race more this year.”