KRC backing drivers in all divisions in 19th season as IMCA marketing partner 

LOCKWOOD, Mo. – Drivers in all divisions sanctioned by IMCA enjoy the support of Kluhsman Racing Com­ponents again this season.

Most notably, the Lockwood, Mo., manufacturer returns to national decal programs for both Karl Chevrolet Northern SportMods and Scoggin-Dickey Parts Center Southern SportMods and gives $75 product certificates to top 10 drivers in final point standings for both divisions.

In its 19th season as an IMCA marketing partner, KRC also gives $75 product certificates to top three drivers in each of the five regions for Xtreme Motor Sports IMCA Modifieds, and to top three drivers in national standings for IMCA Late Models, IMCA EMI RaceSaver Sprint Cars, IMCA Sunoco Stock Cars, IMCA Sunoco Hobby Stocks and Mach-1 Sport Compacts.

“We appreciate all the marketing opportunities that IMCA has helped us in promoting the KRC brand,” owner Mel Kluhsman said. “I personally would like to thank IMCA racers in all divisions who have helped us develop and test all our products. Without them, it would not have been possible!”

All SportMod drivers are required to display two KRC decals on their race car; product certificates will be pre­sented during the national awards banquet in November or mailed beginning the following week from the IMCA home office.

Information about KRC-made products is avail­able by calling 800 814-5745 and at the web­site.

“We are seeing a real run on companies nearing two decades of partnership and KRC is one of those loyal supporters that deserves every bit of recognition,” IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder said. “Mel and his staff are always at the forefront of innovation and those new products always benefit IMCA racers.”

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