Aug. 1 is deadline for sign-up forms, car photos

VINTON, Iowa – Fri­day, Aug. 1 is the final date for submission of contin­gency sign-up forms, rookie of the year applica­tions and car photos proving required decal placement.

IMCA drivers who don’t meet that deadline are not eligi­ble for post-sea­son cash and product awards.

The rookie application is published in the newslet­ter and is posted online. Sign-up forms were included in decal packets.

Drivers who need sign-up forms or another set of decals can contact IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder at 319 472-2201 or

Car photos can be emailed to the same ad­dress.

“I prefer that photos show the entire car, not just the decals on the door panel,” Yoder said. “That way we can use photos for Sybesma Graphics Face­book Fan Favorite contest as well.”

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