IMCA Modified, Stock, Northern SportMod drivers chase $7,000 in Fox Shocks awards

EL CAJON, Calif. (July 14) – Drivers in three IMCA divisions earn shares of the nearly $7,000 in product certificates to be awarded again this season by Fox Shocks.

Top three eligible drivers in each of the five regions for IMCA Modifieds receive product certifi­cates for $300, $250 and $200, respectively while certificates in the same increments go to top three eligible driv­ers in both IMCA Sunoco Stock Car regions and in national standings for Karl Kustoms North­ern SportMods.

Drivers in all three divisions are required to display two Fox decals on their race car and compete with four Fox-manufactured shocks and return a completed contingency sign-up form to become eligible for those awards 

Fox is in its sixth year of IMCA sponsorship. Information about Fox high performance shocks is available at the website, on Face­book or by calling 800 369-7469. 

Fox dealers and distributors include Harris Auto Racing, Jerovetz Motorsports Shock Service and Shaw Race Cars. 

“The contingency sign-up forms are now available on the IMCA website and we encourage those Fox customers to continue to sign up for this program,” said IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder. “We have seen some good response already and look forward to recognizing and rewarding those drivers at the end of the season.”