YORK, Pa. – Winters Performance Products reaches an IMCA sponsorship milestone in 2019, giving awards to Modified drivers for a fifth season.
The national rookie of the year receives a quick change rear end from the York, Pa., manufacturer. Champions in each of the five Modified regions receive $100 product certificates.
All awards will be presented during the national banquet in November or mailed beginning the following week from the IMCA home office.
Jeffrey Abbey raced to national rookie of the year honors in 2018. Deadline for submitting rookie of the year applications is Aug. 1.
More information about the complete Winters product line is available by calling 717 764-9844.
“Winters Performance is known for making the highest quality quick change rear ends on the market and a new crop of outstanding rookies vie for that top prize each and every year,” IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder said. “We are very appreciative of this support for our first-year drivers and will see an outstanding battle all summer long.”