BANGOR, Wis. – Wehrs Machine and Racing Products gives gift certificates to IMCA special drivers for a sixth consecutive season in 2017.
In addition to the Deery Brothers Summer Series for Late Models, the list of 80 designated specials includes events for IMCA Modifieds, IMCA Sunoco Stock Cars, IMCA Sunoco Hobby Stocks, Karl Chevrolet Northern SportMods and Scoggin Dickey Parts Center Southern SportMods.
Fifty dollar gift certificates will be mailed from the IMCA home office the week after official race results are received.
Information about the complete line of products available from the Bangor, Wis., high performance parts manufacturer can be obtained by calling 877 460-7211, as well as on Facebook and at the www.wehrsmachine.com website.
“This has been a successful program with Wehrs Machine and IMCA drivers from all across the country have benefitted from it,” noted IMCA Marketing Director Kevin Yoder. “Renewing it just adds value to our special events program and more drivers will continue to be the beneficiaries.”